1. Student Registration
2. Student quick Registration
3. Student Bus House Assign
4. Update Student Details
5. Student Delete
6. Import Student
7. Student Shifting
8. Student details
9. Scholar Register TC
10. Student Promotion and Demotion
11. Subject Taken
12. Student Roll No.
13. Guardian Details
14. Student Discipline
15. Student Fee Certificate
16. Student TC-BC-CC Certificate
18. Student I card
19. tudent Exam I Card
20. Birth Day Report
21. Gov. RTE Details
22. Enr Age Wise
23. Enr By Catogery
24. Boys Girls Class Wise
25. Admission and TC Report Create
26. Activity Master
27. Notification/ Diary
28. Student Comments
29. Enr. Religion
30. Document Required
31. Document Report